Best Reed Diffuser Sets

Updated June 2020
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BestReviews spends thousands of hours researching, analyzing, and testing products to recommend the best picks for most consumers. We only make money if you purchase a product through our links, and we never accept free products from manufacturers.Read more
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Buying guide for best reed diffusers

Last Updated June 2020

有很多方法可以让你的家新鲜的气味,但鲜有作为方便,芦苇扩散器。通过缓慢吸收精油和香味稳定分散,芦苇扩散器提供持续的香味没有火焰,插头或电池的帮助。只需倒入油扩散到支架,将里面的芦苇,和你去好 - 往往是几个月的时间。许多藤条套还带有一个有吸引力的玻璃保持器,使装饰元件日常芳香疗法。

However, choosing a great reed diffuser set tends to be a bit trickier. How do you find the best fit for your space? Do reed materials matter? Are some holders better than others? And how do you choose quality oils?

If you need help sniffing out the best reed diffuser set for your home, office, or business, you've come to the right place. Read on for everything you ever wanted to know about choosing and using reed diffusers. Ready to buy? We won't hold it against you if you skip straight to our top picks.



Room size

Before you start mulling over which fragrances you enjoy the most or which holders will blend with your décor, you'll need to consider your space. Just how far a reed diffuser's scent travels depends on a number of factors, including the holder size, the thickness of the reeds, the number of reeds, and, of course, the quality of the diffuser oil.

Reed diffusers with a capacity of under 5 ounces tend to work best in smaller spaces likebathroomsor laundry rooms. For larger areas like living rooms and master bedrooms, consider a bigger diffuser or two smaller models. Adding more reeds to the holder or using thicker reeds will also help increase fragrance intensity.


Reed diffuser sticks perform the all-important task of wicking精油从支架和分散的香味在房间里。竹藤是两种最常见的芦苇原料的,但是当它涉及到的吸收能力,他们是天壤之别。

Bamboo:如果你见过的竹子,你probably noticed a series of horizontal nodes running up the length of each shoot. These nodes span the inside of the plant, separating one section from the next, and can severely impede the rate at which oil travels from one end of the reed to the other.



Reed diffuser holders come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and designs, so finding something that complements your style shouldn't be too difficult. However, aesthetics shouldn't be your only concern. The size of a holder's neck or opening will have a direct impact on how long your(and fragrance) lasts. While wider openings often make for a more intense aroma, they also allow the oil to evaporate more quickly. For long-lasting scent and fewer refills, opt for a holder with a narrow opening.

Diffuser oil

The best diffuser oils are made using精油rather than synthetic fragrance oils. While synthetic oils tend to be extremely affordable and often smell similar to the real thing, their artificial composition simply cannot reproduce the natural healing properties of plant-derived essential oils.


芦苇扩散香味油基于“增大化现实”技术e surprisingly easy to make. If you like the idea of crafting your own fragrance blends or having complete control over what goes into your diffuser, a quick online search will unlock a world of easy-to-follow "recipes.”

Staff | BestReviews



While sleek and simple reed diffusers easily blend into the background, those with more intricate designs can pull double duty as ornamental pieces. For a diffuser that stands out from the crowd, consider a holder with fine detailing, a bit of color, or a unique shape. If you like the idea of a decorative diffuser but don't want anything too over the top, simply swapping out traditional straight reeds for twisted, twirled, or flower-topped versions is a great idea.


Some premium reed diffuser sets conveniently come with reed or oil refills, saving you the hassle of having to purchase your first top-up separately.


Essential oils:Natrogix Nirvana Essential Oils Set

Carrier oil:PURA D'OR Organic Sweet Almond Oil
If you decide to mix your own diffuser oil refills, you're going to need a good carrier oil. Thinner oils like almond or safflower work best because they're easily absorbed. Simply add 20 to 25 drops of your chosen essential oils to 1/4 cup of your carrier oil (or use a blend consisting of 30% essential oils and 70% carrier oil), mix well, drop in your reeds, and enjoy!

Replacement reeds:呼吸我TM天然藤条藤条棒
When diffuser reeds become saturated with oil, absorption ceases and the aroma tapers off. Stocking up on quality rattan reeds will help keep the fragrance going.


Reed diffuser prices

Inexpensive:Smaller reed diffuser sets start between $9 and $15. Most reed diffusers in this price bracket typically range from 1.5 to 4 ounces and tend to work best in smaller spaces.

Mid-range:For around $15 to $25, you can find reed diffusers with volumes of just over 4 ounces. Sets that come with smaller quantities of highly concentrated diffuser oils or bottles and reeds with extra decorative appeal are also available at this price point.

Expensive:Larger diffusers of 6 ounces and more, intricate reed or holder designs, and diffusers that come with more expensive oil blends cost anywhere from $25 to $50.


  • 地方扩散入口附近。Positioning reed diffusers near doorways will ensure that you and your guests are greeted by a lovely fragrance upon entering your home or walking into a room.

  • Flip the reeds over every now and then.For a burst of freshness, turn the reeds over and leave the soaked ends facing up. In addition to boosting fragrance intensity, flipping the reeds once or twice a week also helps to keep them from becoming coated with dust.

  • 请将您的扩散器下一个过山车或飞碟。Essential oils can cause permanent stains. Placing your reed diffuser on acoaster或类似将有助于保护表面免受滴水和溢出的东西。

  • Keep your reed diffuser away from direct sunlight and heat.Sunlight and heat can cause essential oils to lose potency and also accelerate evaporation. For long-lasting fragrance, place your reed diffuser in a cool, shaded area of your home.

Placing your reed diffuser in an area with good airflow can improve fragrance throw, but bear in mind that increased air circulation will also speed up evaporation, leading to a shorter shelf life.

Other products we considered

当涉及到质量,茉莉和百合Craft & Kin Essential Oil Diffuser Kit肯定没有削减任何角落。我们爱这个选项与溢价100%的精油混合,它带有天然藤条芦苇,但真正打动我们的是这个品牌如何利用琥珀色玻璃持有人保持他们精油的完整性作出。

If you're looking for unique aromas, understated embellishments, and all-around quality, theHOUZZ Interior Home Ambience Reed Diffuserrange won't disappoint. These reed diffusers are made with high-quality essential oils and topped with twirly rattan reeds. They come in seven interesting scents, including Pumpkin Pie, Holiday, Frosted Mint, White Tea & Pear, and more.

We were won over by the simple design and exceptional aroma of theManu Home Reed Diffuser Sets, but that's not all these diffusers have going for them. Between quality components and generous size, they also throw just the right amount of scent — and they come in a massive variety of fragrances, too.



Q. How long do reed diffusers last?

Q. Can I reuse my reed sticks?
A.Unfortunately, no. Over time, the channels in reed sticks can become clogged with oil and they simply won't be able to absorb any more. If you've noticed a steady decline in scent output, it might be time to replace your reeds.

Q. How do I choose a fragrance?

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The team that worked on this review
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  • Bronwyn
  • Ciera
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  • Erica
  • 梅琳达
    Web Producer
  • Steph
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