Best Paring Knives

Updated June 2020
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Buying guide for best paring knives

Last Updated June 2020

A paring knife is typically one of the most-used knives in the kitchen, helping with tasks like chopping vegetables and peeling fruit when a chef’s knife isn’t precise enough. You typically only need one paring knife in your kitchen, though there are different blade shapes better suited to different tasks.


If chosen well, your paring knife can last a lifetime. Our guide will help you learn more about the types of paring knives available and what constitutes a high-quality blade.


What is a paring knife?


While achef’s knife可用于大多数蔬菜切碎任务,一个削皮刀通常更适合于这项工作,需要精密时尤其如此。在一般情况下,处理小水果或蔬菜的任何工作最好用削皮刀进行。

A paring knife is also a good go-to knife for basic tasks like opening packaging, trimming meat, or testing the doneness of布朗尼


Choosing the best possible paring knife is all about blade quality. The shape of the blade and whether or not the knife is full-tang (with the blade extending through the handle) are major factors in determining the quality of a paring knife.


A stamped blade is mostly flat, punched out of a single piece of metal. A forged blade is tapered, with its widest point at the handle.

Less expensive knives usually have stamped blades. The thinner blade results in a flimsier feel, and the blade is far more likely to bend and even break, which may cause serious injury. However, because stamped blades are lighter, they won’t tire your wrist or arm as quickly, so a stamped blade may be your best option for longer tasks. Though they may not look or feel as nice as forged blades, stamped blades work for many and are popular in professional kitchens.

Forged blades are heavier and usually more expensive. The shape of the blade reinforces it, preventing the blade from bending and snapping as a stamped blade might. Forged blades have a bolster at the point where the blade enters or meets the handle, which prevents the blade from bending and snapping. However, the extra weight of forged blades may tire you out more quickly, which can lead to injury and make some tasks more challenging.


Paring knife blades are usually either stainless steel or high-carbon steel. Ceramic paring knives are also common, but they are less popular than their metal counterparts.

不锈钢刀片强劲,很难bend. They are also less expensive than most ceramic or high-carbon steel blades.

High-carbon steel blades are harder than stainless steel blades, but they are also more brittle. However, they remain a popular choice for their extreme sharpness.

陶瓷刀片通常便宜且对陶瓷硬度极其尖锐所致。像高碳钢,但是,这种硬度也意味着陶瓷很脆 - 甚至超过高碳钢。其结果是,它最适合于切片和不一样多功能不锈钢或高碳钢。

The tang is the part of the blade that extends into the knife’s handle. A partial tang extends partway into the handle, resulting in a knife that is somewhat more prone to breakage.

A full-tang knife has a blade that extends all the way through the handle. This serves two purposes. The first is to prevent the blade from snapping. The second is to balance the knife, giving the user more control over the blade.






Types of paring knives

There are four common types of paring knives, though other styles do exist.

Spear-tip paring knives have a classic knife shape with a curved blade edge and spine. These paring knives are the most common type and are known for their versatility. Spear-tip paring knives excel at both peeling and chopping. If you regularly peel, core, and chop up fruits, this is a good option.

Bird’s beak paring knives have a concave blade that is usually made of thicker metal to increase its strength. The inward curve of the blade makes this style suited to peeling or carving intricate details.


Serrated paring knives come in all three blade shapes and are used for cutting through tougher fruits and vegetables. Though you usually only need one paring knife, it can be helpful to also have a serrated paring knife in your刀盘

Handle shape and material

一般情况下,thicker handle increases the surface area of the handle and is less likely to slip from your hand. The handle should be oval-shaped rather than round, as this makes the handle less likely to spin. Square-shaped handles are even less likely to spin but may be uncomfortable to hold.

Plastic handles are inexpensive and can provide decent grip. In addition, they are lighter than other materials, allowing you to work longer without becoming fatigued. Wood handles have a classic look and feel good against your skin. They provide some grip, but they are not as grippy as plastic and are less likely to have an ergonomic shape. Metal handles are sleek and easy to clean, but they do not provide very good grip and are far heavier than wood or plastic handles.



Paring knives excel at peeling, coring, julienning, and removing seeds and veins.

Paring knife prices

Paring knives that retail for $5 to $20 typically have stamped blades and plastic handles. The blades are typically made of stainless steel, but some knives may have ceramic blades. Cheap and lightweight, the paring knives in this range are good for occasional use and basic tasks in the kitchen.

对于$ 20至$ 40,你会发现,可能已经结下更可靠的削皮刀,全堂刀片。塑料和木制手柄在这个范围内是常见的。

价格为$ 40至$ 100经常削皮刀伪造,由高碳钢或不锈钢的全堂叶片。一些高端刀具有金属把手,塑料和木材也很受欢迎,因为它们出色的抓地力。


Pull Out: When held carefully by the blade, you can use the tip of a paring knife for delicate work.

Staff | BestReviews


  • 沙坡等于安全 - 尤其是当它涉及到削皮刀,它经常被用来接近你的指尖精确切碎和切割。更尖锐的刀片,越有可能是滑倒。
  • 用你的非惯用手稳住你正在使用的食物。
  • 当去皮的水果或蔬菜,大多数人对砍自己,这可能需要一些练习。如果你担心误伤自己,你可以剥去,但你会必威体育娱乐app发现,你必须用这种方法控制较少。
  • When chopping or dicing, you should curl the fingers of your non-dominant hand so the fingertips are roughly parallel to the blade.
  • The tip of a paring knife can be used for delicate jobs like removing seeds.

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虽然我们认为我们的首要建议是最好削皮刀可用,有几个突出的车型,提供从我们的首选股不同的设计。对于鸟喙刀片时,Victorinox Cutlery 2 1/4" Bird’s Beak Paring Knifeis an affordable option, despite its high-carbon steel blade. Customers love this knife for its comfortable plastic handle and extremely thin blade, which makes peeling and slicing easier. We like just how sharp and durable this blade is. If you need a serrated paring knife, one of the best options is theSpyderco厨房锯齿状削皮刀。With a 4.5” blade, this knife is slightly longer than most paring knives, making it well-suited to dealing with larger and tougher fruits and vegetables like butternut squash. The blade is somewhat susceptible to rust, but as long as it is properly dried, it should last for years.

Paring knives generally range in length from two to four inches, making them well-suited to chopping work that requires precision.


Q. How often should I sharpen my paring knife?
这取决于你如何经常使用它,但是简单的答案是,你的削皮刀应该是sharpenedwhenever you notice it slipping or struggling to cut properly. This may be every few weeks or every few months.

Q. Can a paring knife be cleaned in the dishwasher?
一般情况下,dishwasheris a good way to damage the blade of your knife and possibly the handle as well. Your paring knife should be hand-washed andhand-driedto keep the blade sharp and rust-free.

Q. Can rust be removed from a knife?

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